CSP was founded in Granada in 1958 by D. Rafael Benavides Liébana and has been a part of the stationery and office supplies sector for over 65 years. In 1967 we opened our central headquarters in Málaga and we have been expanding across the Spanish mainland since the 1980's

Our most recent milestones are:
- 1999: We are members of the European alliance, INTERACTION.
- 2002: We opened the subsidiary branch, Luso Mediterrânica de Papelaria Lda in Portugal, with headquarters in Porto.
- 2003: We established the Cabanillas del Campo logistics centre in Guadalajara, which currently services orders from our clients in the central northern area of the Spanish mainland.
- 2005: We mechanised the central headquarters picking system and we increased the production of lines per hour with the new facilities.
- 2007: We completed the Guadalajara facility by investing around €3 million in a new warehouse with capacity for 12,000 pallets, and we expanded the automated picking system in order to undertake new challenges.
- 2008: The merging of Comercial del Sur de Papelería, S.A. and Liderpapel, S.A. saw the integration of the two disciplines (distribution and manufacturing) under the name Comercial del Sur de Papelería, S.L.
- 2009: We were awarded the ISO 9001 and 14001 quality certificates.
- 2010: We comprehensively restructured our Cash&Carries by giving them a new, more modern image and simplifying the purchasing process for our clients. We modernised and updated our Liderpapel brand.
- 2011: We put in place the picking-by-voice system, which improves the performance and quality with which orders are prepared.
- 2012: We expanded our services to include logistics, marketing and e-commerce.
- 2013: In the first half of the year we opened a new Cash&Carry in Seville. In the second half of the year we have opened another one in Valencia. We have also launched a new, more modern and intuitive corporate website.
- 2014: We acquired the exclusive distribution in Spain of the prestigious Swiss brand Caran d'Ache writing struments range. Furthermore, since November CSP offers schools the opportunity to visit Liderpapel factory located in Málaga. For more information, please contact with: escolar@liderpapel.com
- 2015: CSP enters the French market with the acquisition of RP Diffusion assets. COMLANDI born. It is the new company with which Comercial del Sur Group will operate in France.
In addition, this year CSP has launched www.liderpapel-world.com , the new website of Liderpapel brand and its profile in Facebook, which already has more than 27,000 followers. - 2016: CSP opens a new Cash & Carry, Convention & Exhibition Center in Madrid.
- 2019: CSP expands presence in France with the acquisition of the brand HYPERBURO.
- 2022: CSP acquires the Carlin franchise.