SHEAFFER's first contest of window dressing winner

Comercial del Sur de Papelería S.L. is pleased to announce that the winner of the SHEAFFER's first contest of window dressing in Spain has been PAPELERÍA AMIMET, located in Tudela (Navarra).
The prize is the exclusive Sheaffer Legacy Centennial pen. It is ornate silver and a worldwide limited edition of 1913 pieces. (This number is the date of SHEAFFER’s foundation). Each unit is valued at more than a thousand Euros.
The criteria for determining the winner window are as follows:
- Preference of SHEAFFER space at the point of sale.
- Originality in the design window.
- Visual impact.
During 2014, Comercial del Sur de Papelería will continue performing special actions like this, in order to promote its exclusive brands and help its clients to increase their sales.